See the options below under Certificate of Completion for receiving your course with Alternative Energy Practice Credit Hours
Hello Ray, you are the best, #1 Spiritual teacher in this Universe! Your daily guidances, step by step, has made me to fall in love with my morning meditations. I printed the whole transcripts out, and I am reading them page by page daily.
After my morning meditations, I always feel I can do anything at any time. I feel so sure of myself. Nothing will make me to stop. I am climbing step by step.
Thank, you are the Master!!
Meditation is a bridge to higher and deeper levels of Consciousness. The goal of this 21 Day Course is to help you clear all obstacles and distractions, both physical, mental and emotional, so that Meditation flows easily for you.
The 12 Meditation Techniques included are designed to help you energize your body and mind while focusing your awareness at the Spiritual Eye and Crown Chakra. The techniques of the breath will help you to relax and to move your mental activity out of normal Beta brain waves into a deeply relaxed but alert state in lower Alpha and Theta brain wave experience.
The Study Guide and MP3s are designed to outline particular Meditations Techniques so practicing becomes easy for you to understand and experience. The Course documents are downloadable and printable as well.
What you can expect from this Course and Meditation benefits include:
21 Day Meditation Course Guide outlining Meditation guidance for each day
21 Day Meditation Study Guide describing the Meditation Course and how each Meditation Technique is used.
Introduction: The Intention and benefits of this 21 Day Course for Meditation
Assumption 1: There is a Supreme Absolute Reality Assumption
2: You are a pure essence, the infinite Soul Self
Part I : “In the beginning” was DISTRACTIONS!
A Psychology for Meditation Practice 1. Doubt 2. Devotion ( the lack thereof) 3. Discipline ( and the lack thereof)
Part II: The Solution: 3 Capital Ds 1) Desire 2) Decision 3) Discovery
Part III: Preparation for Meditation 1) Preparing your Sacred Space for Meditation
2) Sitting 3) Closing your eyes 4) Acknowledging the One Absolute Reality 5)Acknowledging Your Self 6) Acknowledging Your Spiritual Tradition
Part IV:Stages of Meditation
1) Beginning 2) Turning your Attention Inward 3) Concentration 4) Meditation Simply Defined 5) Primary Experiences
Part V: Meditation Techniques
1) Life Force Arousal Technique ( Energy Arousal Technique) 2) Relaxation Meditation Technique 3) Devotional Meditation Technique 4) Mantra Meditation Techniques ( Hong Sau) (So Hum) 5) Alternative: Using “So Ham” pronounced “ So Hum” meaning “Pure Consciousness-I AM” 6) OM Mantra Technique 7) Ascension Breath Energy Technique 8) Ascension Breath Meditation Technique 9) Using the Ascension Breath Meditation while Chanting the OM-SOL Mantra out loud with MP3 Music 10) Inner Light Meditation Technique 11) Optional: Using OM Mantra with Inner Light Technique 12) Intuition Meditation (without Mantra)
Addendum #1 Introductory Script and MP3
Addendum #2 The Three Worlds of Consciousness
Addendum # 3 Intuition
Addendum # 4 Kriya Yoga: It's meaning and tradition
Addendum # 5 Source Awareness Meditation with MP3
Addendum #6 Ascension Energy Breath Healing Technique
Glossary of Meditation and spiritual life terms
About Meditation with Ray
View this 7 minute video for more information
You will receive everything in our 21 Day Course in Transcendent Meditation as described above.
Enroll with the PayPal button below.
The retail value of this Course is $299
With this Limited Time Offer, the entire Course is just
$99 USD
Are you a Healer, Massage Therapist, Hypnotherapist or other Healing Practitioner? If you would like your Certificate to include 21 Hours of Alternative Energy Practice, your course will include one additional Energy Technique (Ascension Energy Breath Healing Technique) and will include 21 Credit Hours granted. Enroll with the PayPal button below. With our Limited Time Offer, Your total is $129 USD
For those who are new to Meditation or wish to learn new techniques for deeper Meditation awareness
All Meditation Courses receive a Certifcate of Completion
For those who are practicing the Healing Arts and wish to pursue deeper states of Consciousness.
For Massage Therapists, Hypnotherapists, Yoga Practitioners, Healers and Meditators who wish to have Credit Hours added to their Certificate
Ray holds a B.A. Degree plus Masters Study in Theology and Metaphysics and has authored the book, "Memoirs from India, three months at the Ashram of Satya Sai Baba"
I welcome you to Subscribe to receive new offerings, events and savings for all of my produc ts and services. Thank you
Please note that once you have paid for your order and I have emailed your download link for your Course materials that there is no refund/cancellation accepted. Since you now have the Course in your possession or the live link to the Course where you may download it, it serves as your final receipt.
Your Course materials are emailed directly to your email address on the Paypal receipt unless you notify me with a different address.
You will also receive your Certificate of Completion at the end of your 21 Day Course.
Thank you
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