This new Deep Theta Meditation takes you on a Meditative journey through Consciousness arriving at the Theta brain wave frequency at 7.8 Hz, cycles per second where deep healing occurs, intuition is greatly enhanced and direct knowledge of your true Self is readily obtained.
Of the 5 brainwaves, Theta waves will benefit you the most.
Gamma waves: 31-100 Hz your brain on a high caffeine dosage
Beta: 16-30 Hz normal daily functioning and chattering
Alpha: 15-8 Hz a more meditative and relaxed state of awareness
Theta: 7.8-4 Hz deeply relaxed, totally aware with intuition heightened
Delta: 4-1 Hz or lower, you are asleep
"The Kingdom of Heaven is within you"
The Universe, your Source connection
is all comprehended during deep Theta
Experience Source Energy during this Meditation as you slow the breath, slow the heart rate. traveling through the Chakras and transcending into Theta. Open new doors to your spiritual connection with your divine Self, the Atman.
During this Deep Theta Meditation you will be guided by the soothing voice of Ray as he takes you from normal states of Beta Consciousness all the way down into Theta.
The Music frequencies that accompany your journey inward play each tone as you descend down from 31 Hz all the way to 7.8 Hz. The Music will hold each resonant frequency as you transcend your thoughts and journey to the realm of Theta Meditation.
Ray will guide you through the breath technique, the toning of the OM mantra and how to use positive affirmations as directives to your subconsciousness .
As you practice this Meditation you will benefit from : deep relaxation, healing of physical stresses, a deeper understanding of your true Self and Who you are as a divine being.
As you practice Deep Theta Meditation you will realize your Infinite Self, your Divine Essence, discovering your powerful gifts as the master within who awaits you. It's all there for you to allow, realize and uncover. Deep Theta Meditation is your vehicle to help you get there.
For a complete description of Why and How the Deep Theta Method works view our Deep Theta Method Page
Experience another Deep Theta Meditation with minimal voice guidance during the first two minutes. Then enjoy the transcendent descent from regular brain activity in Beta into the tranquility of Deep Theta Sound Waves. As part of our Deep Theta Method, enjoy this companion MP3 with a full 15 Minutes just in Deep Theta Sound Waves.
Total Time: 37 Minutes
This Companion Meditation is offered FREE for a Limited Time when you order the Deep Theta Meditation MP3
Normally $29
Comments for our Deep Theta Meditation Companion MP3
"WOW!!! I had a pretty profound dream last night after doing this Theta meditation!!! Seems as if I am ready to be of greater service to mankind in some way. Feel as if
my art is going to change as a result of being more disciplined with this meditation. Very, very powerful for me....I love the way you Segway into the Om's with the Tibetan Bell tones and
also as a signal to the ascension back to to Beta.
Thank you for sharing your powerful gifts with me. Just what I need at this turning point in my life. Soooo soooo very grateful.
Much love,
Visit other Deep Theta Meditations on this web site for more experiences in Deep Theta Method. View our Deep Theta Method description at:
"Hi Ray, I just wanted to say I loved my new deep theta I had never experienced anything like this and felt an abundance of energy and colors, and felt a profound healing experience, I just wanted a little longer in silence so was delighted when you did a follow up that did just that... fabulous!! Thank you I would highly recommend this to anyone." Nicola, UK
" Thank you so much ~ Ray ~ I listened to both meditations since yesterday and I find they really do calm the mind and quiet the thoughts. As always, your work and music are extraordinary and beautiful peacemakers. " Judy A.
"Hello Ray,
I must tell you how thrilled I am with the Theta Meditation. What a powerfully delightful experience!!! Your voice is so soothing and easy to follow throughout the entire Meditation!! I must share that as I do the breathing exercises, my crown chakra tingles and feels like it opens in a circle at the top of my head and starts pulsing the whole time.
At the Theta level I feel a profound sense of connection with my Divine Self and a calming sense of peace that stays with me for hours afterwards. Thank you for sharing your stellar gifts…simply amazing. I highly recommend it!!!
P.S. I used my ear buds and could actually feel the bass throughout my entire body!! Wow, what a profound experience.
Much love to you
Nataya, Sedona, AZ"
"I really enjoyed listening to the introduction which is so easy to understand and well explained. This is for EVERYONE! Ray's soothing and nurturing voice is like a comfortable blanket wrapped all around you guiding you on a seamless journey into yourself.
This is the first time I have consciously experienced descending and ascending back up through Beta, Alpha and Theta. It was fascinating to witness my body relaxing so effortlessly letting go and getting heavier and heavier and my breath, mind and heart rate slowing down dipping into serenity as the Hz slowed down. Settling into the peaceful silent awareness of expanded oneness, which is within us all; the I Am That, is the most beautiful state of consciousness.
I love how the peace gently comes along into the waking state.
The affirmation toward the end seemed to light up my heart and all of the cells in my body as it was soaking up such pure and complete truth.
Thank you Ray for this most blissful journey into wholeness.
With Infinite Love, Gratitude and Deep Reverence,
Amy St Mikael"
"Today was the perfect day to receive this phenomenal gift. The past few months have been very stressful. My mind has been saying to myself and everyone who ask I am handling this very well. My body finally said you really think so? I ended up with several physical manifestations of how I was not handling this well, one being a breakout of shingles on my face. Talk about having to look at something every day as a reminder. I have been out of balance with feelings of agitation and irritation and a mind filled with chaos.
During the meditation I discovered that I need to acknowledge that the stress of the past few months has deeply affected me and I realize that I can not do everything. I realize that I am a divine being who can call upon source energy to help me carry this load. After listening to this meditation I feel much lighter and filled with a sense of renewed energy as well as a deep feeling of peace.
As we ascended the frequencies in my mind's eye I experienced brilliant color sequences from midnight blue to bright red to green then gold and pure white. I will go back again and again to do this marvelous meditation. Sincerely, Ejay Green"
For those from the webinar with Kerri Kannan, subscribe here and I will send you the MP3
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