The energy vibration of Mantras carries within its signature , power to positively affect your mind, body and spirit. Think of a Mantra as your mental instrument as you ride the Cosmic sound current with each repetition.
I am happy to offer these 7 Sacred Mantras on MP3
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OM Namah Shivaya 8:28
So Hum 9:46
The Great OM 11:17
Hong Sau 11:14
HU 10:27
OM Sai Maa 12:03
Gayatri Mantra 11:20
The positive powers of Mantra repetition will:
* Increase your Intuition
I invite you to put on some headphones, sit back and relax as you experience the sound of SO HUM in this short sample
As you chant OM Namah Shivaya you pay tribute to your own inner Self as the Divine. The OM is the great powerful sound of the Universe that brings together the 5 corresponding elements:
na ma si va ya; na represents earth, ma water, si fire, va air, and ya ether. All of creation lies inside of you to explore and experience.
A most powerful Mantra from the Kriya Yoga tradition, SO HUM empowers your Spiritual Eye Chakra as it opens to the understanding of "I AM That"! And with the Divine knowledge of "I AM one with all of life and all of life is one with me".
OM is considered to be the foundation of all sacred Mantras and symbols. Its sound is the Infinite vibration that manifested the Universe. The sound of OM connects you with all of the Chakras as its energy travels through the Root Chakra, Sacral, Solar, Heart, Throat, Spiritual Eye and Crown.
HONG SAU was a favorite Mantra by Paramahansa Yogananda as he taught those in Kriya Yoga the art of breath.
HONG SAU in Sankrit means, "I AM Spirit". As you chant and experience HONG SAU, feel your spirit soar like the wind, that you are not confined to the body, but can move throughout the Universe on your own wings of spirit.
The HU Mantra is both a modern day sacred sound of those in Eckankar, but also said to be an ancient name for God. Those that chant HU flow effortlessly into its sound current as the energy vibration opens the spiritual eye and mind for the experience of soul travel. It is also chanted as a love song to God which connects to the Throat Chakra empowering it with each breath and exhalation of HU in true devotion.
This beautiful Mantra sound opens to Love in the Heart Chakra like the sacred Lotus flower opens each morning to greet the world. The feeling of being held by the Divine Mother envelopes your whole being as you feel Her Prema Love all around you and within you. The Mantra is chanted in Bhajan style as: OM, OM Sai Maa, OM OM Sai Maa, Prema Sai Maa, Prema Prema, OM, OM Sai Maa
The Gayatri Mantra is one of the most endearing Hindu Mantras. The meaning of the Gayatri mantra is as follows: “We contemplate the glory of the light that illuminates the three worlds: dense, subtle and causal. I am that life-giving power, love, radiant enlightenment, and the divine grace of universal intelligence. We pray for that divine light to illuminate our minds.”
Meaning of Individual Words:
ॐ — OM — The Primitive Sound
भूर् — BHUR — the physical world
भुवः — BHUVA — the mental world
स्वः — SVAHA — the celestial, the spiritual world
तत् — TAT — That, God; Transcendental Paramatma
सवितुर — SAVITUR — the Sun, the Creator, Preserver
वरेण्यं — VARENYAM — more adorable, lovely
भर्गो — BHARGO — shine, effulgence
देवस्य — DEVASYA — resplendent, supreme Lord
धीमहि — DEEMAHI — we meditate on
धियो यो — DHI YO — intelligence, understanding, Intellect
नः — NAH — Nah: our
प्रचोदयात् — PRACHODAYAT — enlighten, guide, inspire
OM SAI RAM are beautiful heart felt words of divine blessing. When you greet another Soul with these words, you are recognizing them as pure spirit and acknowledging them through the blessing of OM SAI RAM.
Although not part of the 7 Sacred Mantras, I have added this blessing to you at the end of the Album. First used by Swami Shirdi Sai Baba, it is used throughout the world as a divine blessing and greeting.
I invite you to order
7 Sacred Mantras
To sing , chant and experience as you
receive their divine blessings
We will email you the download Link when we receive your order on Paypal. This may take a few hours since we are all in different time zones. Thank You!
I invite you to put on headphones and experience within this most sacred Mantra, the Gayati Mantra
"Today I was able to spend the quality time that your mantras deserve. All are beautiful!All are inspired!All are inspiring!Each one has a uniqueness which brings the listener to a different space of peace and love.I do not like to choose one over the other, but my favorite takes me to my heart space and allows me to stay there. Of course that one is the So Hum." E.J. Iowa
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"This is the most beautiful piece I have ever listened to. The peace that you feel to your inner core - there are no words to describe this. Truly inspired by the Divine. Thank you, Ray for sharing this". Raine H.
"Truly divine Ray it takes me so deeply within with tingles throughout my temple and way beyond into magical realms. Thank you so much for yet more powerful uplifting journey”s into All That Is". Avril R.
"Oh My, This is so infinitely Beautiful! Thank you, Ray, for such a Sacred Healing and Transformative experience! So loving and heart healing". Anah M.
"Ray does it again. This is so wonderful to listen to and feel. It is one of his best. Made my day!" Thomas P.
"A truly Divine experience touches the soul". Tracey G.
"That was so beautiful and relaxing, ~Ray~! Thank you, and how exciting that you have a YouTube channel! This piece reminds me of my beautiful Soul Song you created for me". Judy A.
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