The Prema Sai Maa Foundation provides monetary resources, materials, manpower, expertise, technology, assistance and support for global solutions for a kind, just, humane and Unified World.
The Prema Sai Maa Foundation organizes, coordinates and provides resources and support for individuals, groups, nonprofits and NGOs.
Our goal and mission is to empower and unify the world for global health and harmony. This mission extends to ending homelessness, providing refugees with sanctuaries, restoring and protecting wildlife and natural resources, while creating a healthy, natural and sustainable world.
We will work with other individuals, groups and organizations to extend their vision and success. Building on their success, under the care, support and resources of the Prema Sai Maa Foundation, we can provide inspirational models that can act as a blueprint for other solution- minded organizations upon which to build.
As we continue to grow, we would like to invite you to join our effort to achieve Global Unity.
Whether it is by donation or volunteer work, serving as a Seva, or heading up a fundraiser, your part is appreciated and valued as we all come together for the good of all and for the good of our planet.
Prema Sai Maa is a visionary for planetary solutions. It has always been her mission to provide a global platform to unify, restore and uplift the planet, its people, animals and environment.
To fulfill her mission and vision for global unity and harmony, Prema Sai Maa founded The Prema Sai Maa Foundation as the active mission arm of The Ultimate Gift Foundation, a 501 c (3) nonprofit of which she is also the founder and CEO.
Today, with her world expanded vision and mission, she has begun her global work to coordinate resources with other caring organizations to bring unity, health and harmony back to our home world.
When we think about home, we imagine a place that is nurturing and safe, a place where we can be peaceful and healthy. Our world has lost its home, not only for people living on the streets and sleeping in cardboard boxes, but refugees who have been driven from their homeland due to the terrors of war, violence and lack of opportunity.
Wildlife that once roamed the forests and grasslands freely are losing their natural habitat due to deforestation, industrialization and
commercializing of the land.
And the land itself, our beloved Earth, is being depleted of its fresh water, being stripped of its natural resources while pollution fills the atmosphere with toxins.
We need a green planet where we all can thrive together in unity and harmony. The Prema Sai Maa Foundation will work tirelessly to fulfill its mission for a world that is a healthy and happy home for all.
One of our solutions to homelessness is creating green communities such as utilizing unsustainable farmlands, where homes are provided for those in need, who will in turn help create a self-sustaining community, growing crops, planting trees, working together for the good of our Global Home.
To care for those in need of compassion and love, and ensure their success in creating a happy, healthy and fulfilled life, we will also offer:
Refugees who have been displaced by war, terrorism and climate disaster have been gathered and put into the worst conditions.
Turning unsustainable land into self-sustaining, food producing cooperative communities, preserving their cultural identity, creating Eco healthy living with schools, health care and commerce.
The natural habitat for animals, birds and wildlife have been so destroyed that even those that once flourished and roamed freely have lost their natural habitat and are on verge of extinction.
Rain forests can be reforested and preserved. Protecting animals and repopulating species as they live in wildlife sanctuaries will help guarantee their future.
So much can be done to restore our devastated forests and wetlands.
Purchasing vulnerable wetlands and placing them into conservatorship while restoring their Eco system will guarantee their future while providing oxygen for the atmosphere and homes for animals and birds.
We would love to share new ideas and events with you and to hear your ideas as well.
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