Wisdom, empowering compassion and divine love will accompany you on these inward journeys and experiences with Anah Maa.
Each series on MP3 is uniquely different as it transports your consciousness into the realm of Spirit, of the Divine Nature of Love and Acceptance.
Activations, Initiations and Experientials are all offered here for your benefit.
Join Anah Maa and receive all the gifts for which you were intended.
Many of these wonderful offerings and experientials are accompnaied by Ray's transcendent music recorded at Hope Universal Recording Studio along with Anah Maa's voice.
Out of This World
"Anah is an Angel walking among us to help in our process of awakening, doing for us that which we have not yet learned to do for ourselves-I know Anah was sent to me to awaken me to who I AM and there are no words of gratitude that are adequate enough to say to Anah for being here at this time and for what she is doing for humanity and our beautiful planet and most of all what she did for me - WE thank you - many blessing and much love to you dearest Anah." Juanita Hall Australia
This new series, Living Your Purpose, illuminates with clarity how to gain awareness of your life's Passion, Purpose and Presence.
Within these 5 Meditations and Activations, you will experience and receive activations for preparing for Meditation, for receiving the gifts within your Being, for energizing each day, for discovering your greatest potential and for receiving even more clarity for your Purpose, your Power and your Mission. Allow these experientials to take you to the center of your Consciousness where, from the essence of your being, you will receive all of the gifts that are intended for you.
Coming home to your pure Divine Essence where there is Peace, Love, Divine Light and endless bliss. This is your natural state. All these treasures are already within you, waiting for you to connect and remember. You can gain access to these gifts of Peace and Love by silencing your mind and by allowing your Divine Essence to reveal itself to you. Included in this Meditation technique is preparation for Meditation and how to begin meditating for deep peace and transcendence to create a solid foundation so you can take your journey to higher levels of consciousness. Join Anah Maa in this new Series, Living Your Purpose
This experiential begins with meditation, bringing your awareness to your mind and heart centers while opening your being to receive the many divine blessings of Love and Light Consciousness that await you. Beautiful transcendent music accompanies this journey into "being".
A Comment Regarding Anah Maa's work:
“My intuition told me to choose Anah Maa’s package over some of my other favorite presenters -and I am very glad I did! This program/package was so much more than I expected it to be!! This is true vibrational healing. I could immediately feel the effects at the core of my being, and they only got stronger as the program unfolded. And she is there with you, kind, wise and supportive, guiding you through the whole process.
I highly recommend her for anyone who takes their spiritual awakening and their healing journey seriously. This is the real deal!” Lene, Norway
This experiential energizes you with powerful illuminating white Light that begins in your Root Chakra and ascends to the top of your crown enveloping you with pure radiant light and unconditional Love. And then, filling your heart with even greater pure life force energy as you expand your awareness.
In this experiential, your meditative journey takes you on a mission of discovery to your own uniquely divine purpose and mission. The truth and wisdom within you will help you to express your full authentic self, your true essence, which is both Infinite and Divine. As you intend and allow this beautiful expression of your true Self to come forth, you will discover so much more about who you are, why you are here and how to express yourself to your greatest potential. This experience opens you to an even greater awareness as you expand your expression to the world around you, to relationships, to people, to animals and to the beauty of nature
In this heart opening meditation and experiential, you will be guided to open your heart to experience the Divine Stillness, Peace, Joy and Love that innately dwells within your being. As you open to all the wonders within you, feel the Divine Love emanating from your heart, feel the Oneness, feel the Light that you truly are. This meditation reverently acknowledges your true Divine Magnificence and Power and gently invites you to open your heart and mind to accept and receive your true purpose and mission. Accompanied by beautiful heart opening music attuned to the Heart Chakra.
Join Anah Maa for this wonderful adventure at the Soul level as she takes you inward during 4 Experientials that will assist you at every aspect of your life journey, your spiritual inquests and your Soul's yearning.
Originally intended as a live 21 Day intensive course, you can now receive all 4 MP3s and listen and receive at your own pace.
Each MP3 is a live "session" with Anah Maa as she was recording these experientials during her world travels.
This Series has never been offered before...and is sure to bring you into the presence of Divine Love.
We invite you now to join Anah Maa for "A Return To Love"
Go to the next series: Activations and Initiations with Anah Maa
Go to the next series: Meditations with Anah Maa
Go to the next series: Meditations of Divine Guidance with Anah Maa
Anah Maa is an Empowering Evolutionary Teacher bringing the Light of Unconditional Sacred Love to create Global Harmony. Anah Maa travels the world with her mission of love and compassion, to transform energy and consciousness into the highest form of Prema, pure love.
Since 1999 Anah Maa has transformed countless lives by empowering them to reconnect to their Divine Truth.
To connect with Anah Maa/Prema Sai Maa and view her present mission and work, use the following Link:
Anah Maa is the founder of the Prema Sai Maa Foundation for Global unity and the founder and president of The Ultimate Gift Foundation, a non-profit 501 (c) 3, is the Creator of Actualizing the Master Within Course; she is a Master Healer and Author of “The Light at the End of the Tunnel.”
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