Master Roy E. Davis was born on March 9, 1931 in Leavittsburg, OH. March 9, 1931- March 27th, 2019
" When I was a child, I had frequent glimpses of higher realities and often vividly aware of an all -pervading, benevolent Presence that included me and all things in its wholeness" from Chapter 1, "Beginnings" Paramahansa Yogananda as I Knew him" Roy E. Davis.
Roy Davis was initiated by Paramahansa Yogananda in the month of August, 1951.
"He blessed me with private instruction, transmitted to me the spiritual force which flowed through him, assured me that I could and would, succeed on the spiritual path"
"Introduction", A Guide To Kriya Yoga Practice" P. 5 by Master Roy Davis.
As a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda he was commissioned to teach and initiate devotees into Kriya Yoga.
Master Roy Davis has taught Kriya Yogba meditation and spiritual growth processes in North and South America, Europe, West Africa, Japan and India for more than 50 years. Some of his books have been published in 10 languages and 11 countries. He is the founder and spiritual director of the Center for Spiritual Awareness in Lakemont, GA. since 1972.
Some of the books authored by Master Roy Davis include:
Paramahansa Yogananda As I knew Him
Absolute Knowledge That Liberates Consciousness
The Science of Self-Realization (Patajali's Yoga Sutra)
The Eternal Way ( the Inner Meaning of the Bhagavad Gita)
Satisfying Our Innate Desire to Know God
Mystic Reflections
The Spiritual Basis of Real Prosperity
Self-Knowledge (a commentary on Shankara's treatise)
Seven Lessons in Conscious Living
Basic English and Sanskit Word Meanings
Philosophical Concepts to Know.
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