Inspiring Music created and produced for :
View these special pages where you will find the perfect offering and solution for:
More than a Music Production Studio: View our Personal Services such as:
Our newest Offerings with the wisdom and guidance of Anah Maa/Prema Sai Maa
* Use the following Links to Anah Maa's pages"
* Soul Song with Soul Portrait
Our Foundation
* The Ultimate Gift Foundation
Enjoy our web site and all of our specialized services to assist you.
As a successful Recording Engineer and Professional Musician for over 50 years, I will offer my expertise for your new inspired Music Project.
As an A&M Recording Artist, Professional keyboardist and vocalist, I can offer you a unique variety of musical styles along with my own intuitive style of creating and recording.
At our HOPE Universal Recording Studio, we excel in creating Music for you from all ends of the Music spectrum, from innovative powerful Music for your Live Events show-casing you as a World Renown Speaker,
or with soul enhancing Music introducing you to your listening audience as an Internet Tele-summit Host.
With over 3,000 Sounds, keyboards, hand percussion and Native American Flutes, we can create a powerful rhythmic sound track for Your Cutting Edge Video.
Along with video, we can create professional Movie Sound Track Scores for almost every mood and mode imaginable.
Are you a Metaphysical teacher offering mp3s of your work? We can create the perfect accompanying Music for your voice from soft ambient sounds, gentle flowing streams, Native American flutes to voice-overs for your teaching course and mp3s.
We can create the beautiful background Music to inspire your new Best Seller Book. Use Music and Voice to introduce your book, for the preface and table of contents and much more.
Are you an innovative Artist, Painter or Sculptor? Empowering your Art Piece with Music and show-casing the two together is a most innovative and powerful way to enhance your Art Showings.
We can create inspired music for your Art Gallery and entire Collection.
We will create the perfect music for your Charitable Foundation or 501 C3 . The music for this video was created by BridgeWalker from the Album, Drums of Peace, which I recorded and produced along with my BridgeWalker partner, Jeff Cozy.
We recorded the Music at both our HOPE Universal Recording Studio and at Bright Ideas Multi-Media Studio.
The Charitable Foundation represents efforts to stop off shore oil drilling in Portugal.
Use the PLAY Arrow to view.
We will create an empowering and inspired Music Soundtrack customized with your energy signature for healing modalities such as Reiki, Healing Touch, Yoga, Massage and Hypnotherapy, or for your Meditation instruction, spiritual gatherings with Bhajans, chants and sacred dance.
Creating Divine Music is our forte' as we collaborate together to manifest the most inspiring and beneficial Music for your creative theme.
View our Music Samples and find the perfect music style for your business or personal offerings.
Just Imagine it... then let's energize it...manifest it...and complete it for you.
It's all right here for you!
Schedule your free consultation with ~Ray~ today.
We can help you create your vision for the world. We are committed to helping you fulfill your vision and dreams with the most powerful heart touching music.
As an experienced producer in the Music industry, I have the passion, the experience and the desire to help you succeed to the very top of your career, to fulfill your dreams, to bring fulfillment to your every effort; and to help you find that unique signature that others will recognize.
We will create an unforgettable Music project for you. One that carries your vision and intention all the way to completion for your audience to experience.
Your finished product as a professionally mastered red book quality CD, MP3 audio file, MP4 video file or Music WAV.file is all here waiting for you.
Over 3,000 sounds with flutes and hand drums
My first recording experience with Ray was back in 2003 when I recorded my first CD, “Between Heaven and Earth.”I was a newbie to the world of recording studios and very unsure of myself in that environment. But after the first day of having Ray at the controls I felt more relaxed. Part of the reason I felt more comfortable was Ray’s peaceful demeanor and how great everything was sounding– Ray’s patience and expertise throughout that first recording session made me feel at ease and helped grow my confidence.
I was so pleased with the way that session unfolded and the end result, I knew I had to have Ray do my next one, “I’ve Seen The Light “– a recording experience I’ll never forget, and because the energy of the songs was very different, Ray had to use a different approach. By now, we knew each other so well and trusted each other in our roles to the point that it was as if we were in each other’s heads. He might suggest something and I was already thinking it and vice-versa. On top of that … each night he would spend hours going over the tracks, cleaning them up and coming up with additional sounds that helped bring out the best in each song, taking them to a higher level than I’d ever imagined. Every day was like that – and I just felt myself getting more pumped with each session. I honestly never dreamed the songs could sound so good. Ray’s experience as a performing musician, songwriter, recording engineer and producer greatly add to his gift in the recording studio. I cannot think of anyone else I would rather have at the controls than Ray. The music and sounds that come through in Ray’s studio are all heart-centered and carry a very high vibrational frequency.
Joseph Leal wrote: "I've had the privilege of recording two albums with Ray. His Mastering, engineering, and mixing skills and talents created two beautiful hours of music. Ray's talents as a composer and keyboardist are phenomenal and his pricing is more than competitive!, Thanks Bro and best wishes to your site."
Creating intuitive Music with Jeff has always been a joy of my heart. We shared recording and production at both our studios for this creative projects with large 32 inch pow wow drums, shakers, wood instruments, Native flutes, keyboards and synths. Very rhythmic and transcendental Music.
Saggio wrote: "No writing notes down on paper, no analytical maneuverings, no judgment calls. Just a wondrous alchemy of sound filling space and time according to its own plan.
Boyd Sibley ( Ray), my recording engineer, contributed the elegant sounds of the violin in the opening phrases. "Bliss" is the shortest but perhaps the most powerful song on the album. I return to it often and lose myself within it.
Experience the compassionate voice of Anah Maa as she guides you through the challenging Matrix of Illusion which tries to interfere and control our world. Anah Maa helps you find your way through it and out of it in: "Transcending the Matrix of Illusion".
Music by Ray is tuned to the harmonic balanced frequency of 432 Hz. This mini-course includes 7 MP3s and 4 PDFs as your spiritual guide.
All Music and Vocie recorded at HOPE Universal Recording Studio in 2017
or visit Transcending the Matrix on our site at:
Now sit back and enjoy a variety of Music or find your Music of interest and click on the Play Arrow
Let us know what you are looking for, if not here in our current samples, we will create it for you.
A symphony of strings, horns and timpani drums
Just click on the Play Arrow
ET: The Return...from 2012 The Prophecy Fulfilled. Music created, recorded and produced by ~Ray~
at HOPE Universal Recording Studio
From the Art Gallery of Christine Lemin, New Zealand 2018
OM Namah Shivaya.... honoring the Divinity within.
Sample of Voice and Music
This short sample is from Track 5 from Music for Healing Touch. Whether ocean waves or a quiet stream, a soft flute in the background, we can create a beautiful music project for your healing profession. Close your eyes, imagine it....we can create it for you.
Enjoy our new Meditation Music: Deep Theta. There are several pages dedicated to this new Meditation Method that helps you transcend from normal Beta brain waves to the deep tranquil Theta state. View the Deep Theta Method here.
Have your own beautiful and totally unique Soul Song recorded at HOPE Studio by Ray. Visit our Soul Song page on this site for more information.
We love meeting new artists, healers, teachers and spiritual educators; Let's connect and create something wonderful! Many blessings ...~Ray~
Open today | 10:00 am – 05:00 pm |
Monday - Friday: 10am - 6pm
Saturday - Sunday: 10am - 5pm
Copyright © 2018 Divine Love Productions - All Rights Reserved.