"Thief in the Night" is my music tribute to Wayne McKibbin, songwriter, singer and lead guitarist for the HOPE band. (1968-1972) It has been 50 years since our last concert at Esofea Park, Wisconsin, in July of 1972. The whole community gathered together in harmony, bringing blankets and food and drink for the all day festival. A most memorable occasion for all of us that day, for me (Ray boyd Sibley) keyboards, Tom Eisenman on drums, Dave Klug, bass, Jim Croegaert, keyboards and of course, Wayne Mckibbin.
What started the concert was our typical one-hour jam which flowed directly into our Album, our first and only album, called HOPE. But what followed was forever etched in my memory as Wayne began speaking to those gathered about the love of God. He began at the beginning talking about the creation of the world and the first man and woman and the temptation that all people encounter that keeps them from the Light of God.
And then he brought out his acoustic guitar and played "live" for the first time, "Thief in the Night". I remember thinking, wow, what a great song and had the wish that HOPE could have performed the song with Wayne.
All of these years since that last concert, I have thought about this song. Recently, I began working with the lyrics, melody and chords as I remembered them. This began the idea and intention to record 'Thief in the Night" in the likeness HOPE would have played it live in concert. And, to offer this as my tribute to Wayne for all the exceptional experiences we shared as HOPE. And that includes not only the last days of HOPE but the early years of HOPE as well when my friend, Jeff Cozy, was drummer for the band.
Wayne and I used to sit out under a big tree at the McKibbin house especially in the Spring and early summer. He would play his acoustic guitar and show me new songs he had written. This would be the first time I would experience, "Thief in the Night". In a few short months I would experience the last time to witness Wayne playing this song.
His songs were both personal and presented a challenge and teaching that often pitted good against evil, the darkness and the light. "Thief in the Night" in Wayne's very rhythmic style portrayed the "tempter" offering us a "garden of delight" that would lead us away from the truth. The tempter is a "liar" from whom we better, "run, run, run for your life, from the thief in the night".
Within this tribute, I also wish to acknowledge all of the McKibbin family. We all had many memorable experiences together that will always bless me.
May God be glorified as I present to you my rendition of Wayne's song, "Thief in the Night".